The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Minor leagues, sometimes major fun

This Saturday, I had two free tickets from work to go to the Tulsa Talons which are the local arena football team. But they aren't in the Arena Football League (AFL), they're in the AF2 the minor league of the AFL. So I wasn't going expecting much. But the tickets were free and I cannot abide giving up free stuff.

But I was most concerned about Nick having a good time. Although it may be considered child neglect here in Oklahoma, I have not taught Nick to appreciate football. I've tried, but he gets bored with it.

Yet, arena football is perfect for 7 year old boys. You're close to the action. The game goes fast, it's non-stop. The game is skewed to the offense so there is a lot of scoring. You really don't have to pay attention to every play as the teams start in scoring position anyway. Nick had a blast.

Of course, this was helped along by the fact that he was sitting next to the grandson of one of my co-workers. Wesley is turning 7 next month and the boys spent most of the night shouting, blowing on their air horns, smacking each other to prove their toughness and general mayhem. Plus whenever Tulsa scored or the other team had the ball, he was encouraged to scream and make as much noise as possible.

All of this was in contrast to the trip to the Tulsa Drillers. Now we did go a little too early in the season and it was cold. But Nick only lasted 4 innings before he started to ask if we could go home.


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