The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Macaulay Culkin joke

Culkin just pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and prescription drugs. Click here for story. This explains his ability to testify as a character witness for Michael Jackson.


  • At 11:05 PM, Blogger Philip Young said…

    I can just see him in the courtroom:

    Attorney: Mr. Culkin, were you molested by Mr. Jackson?

    Macaulay: ::after taking a drag from his joint:: Dude, that place is wicked! He's got all sorts of weird-ass shit over there.

    Attorney: Um, Mr. Culkin. Can you please answer the question?

    Macaulay: ::after another drag:: I don't remember being molested. The only thing I remember is Michael giving me a wonderful smoke and some yummy kool-aid. I don't remember anything after that. Michael said I had a great time, so I must not have been molested, right?


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