The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Well, technically we are South Siders

Tonight, I had to take Nick to get some soccer equipment (practice starts tomorrow). So I went into Sports Authority and I succumbed to the Dark Side.


  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger Paul said…

    There are no words, Pete. Enjoy the bandwagon. At least it's not St. Louis hats.

    Over several of the last few summers, Brave Combo sponsored little league baseball teams. One year the team they were assigned to was the Cardinals. They sent Lori one of the shirts that the team wore that year. It was white with red pinstripes, had the band logo across the shoulders on the back and the usual, terrific, St. Louis Cardinals logos on the front. (I'm not being sarcastic with the 'terrific' - I think they have one of the best logos in baseball). Well, the shirt arrived, we admired, and it hit Lori's closet.

    Anyway, a year or so after she got this shirt, I walked in the front door after work. Lori was sitting on the edge of the couch, folding clothes, wearing this shirt. I walked right past her, but slowed to a snail's pace after 3 or 4 steps. Lori doesn't wear sports-related clothing. Why does she have a baseball jersey on? I had totally forgotten the shirt, where it had come from, etc. Further, I thought to myself, not only is she wearing a baseball jersey (which is blowing my mind), but it's a CARDINALS jersey! WTF?

    It only took a few seconds to remember the shirt, but it couldn't have looked more out-of-place if she was wearing a Godzilla costume.

  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Philip Young said…


  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger Paul said…

    Your new team looked pretty good in the first series, Pete.

    Half the people at work are excited about the Sox and speak of them often.

    Not matter how far the team goes, the other half can't wait until the Sox's season is over, so the first half would just shut up already.


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