The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Good Neighbor?

Talk radio has been a buzz about the Joe Horn shooting controversy. In short a man killed two burglars as they exited from his neighbor's house. A grand jury refused to indict him. In reality, I'm not that surprised since Texas has a very strong Castle Doctrine statute. It includes the right to use deadly force when someone is fleeing the scene of a burglary. There was also a racial aspect to the shooting (victims Afro-Hispanic, shooter white) and the fact that the victims were illegal immigrants who were members of a home theft gang.
I've been trying to decide where I come down on this. On one hand I don't want to return to the days of the old west. But on the other hand, I'd like to have a neighbor like Joe. He called the cops and when I looked like the criminals were getting away he stopped them. And based upon the laws of the State of Texas, what he did was legal.
But is it right? I've always thought that deadly force should be a last resort when other options have proved fruitless. He put himself into the equation. He could have stayed in his own house, where he was completely safe. However, I like the fact that he entered the equation. He saw something that was wrong and was not afraid to challenge it. How he challenged it may be questionable, but he did something.


  • At 12:16 AM, Blogger Philip Young said…

    I can completely understand and agree with his actions if it was an intrusion on his own property. However, I do not agree with using deadly force to protect someone else's property.

    Now, after I read the wiki on the incident, the official report is that they entered his own yard, which then he has a right to defend his own property.

    Luckily, I don't live in TX.


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