The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Monday, October 10, 2005

What happens when Han Solo drinks too much Coke?

My son is in full Star Wars mode. He wants to watch the movies several times a week. He is planning on being Anakin for Halloween. The Jango Fett costume did not have a helmet, and the ebay replacements were too expensive.

So today we were playing a variation on one of his favorite games, guess what Star Wars thing I'm thinking of. Twenty questions, all Star Wars. Well, tonight he was thinking of the claw which grabs Han Solo out of the carbon freeze. He even showed me a demonstration. And when I said the claw, Nick, of course, had to make sure that I was thinking about the correct claw. Apparently there are a number of them in the Star Wars universe. So Nick said, "Yeah, the claw. The one when Han gets carbonated."

It was really hard not to laugh.


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