The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Nick prefers an amusement park to a beach.

In the beginning of the week, the temperature here in Pottsville was an oppressive 90+ with high humidity. But on Wednesday, the weather broke and Sarah, Grandma and I took the kids to the beach. Did Nick want to play in the sand, no. Did Nick want to play in the water, no. Did Nick want to ride in a canoe, yes! Then ten minutes later no. What did Nick want to do? He wanted to run. Run up the hills and then down the hills. And I'm talking serious Pennsylvania hills. So that's what Nick and I did.

Today, the whole gang went to an amusement park out this way called Knobles. It's a pretty neat mixture of carny rides, kiddie rides and two roller coasters. It's nice for us because admission is free, parking is free and you can bring a picnic lunch. So we only had to pay for the rides we actually rode. Other that the intermittent rain, we all had a great time. Nick rode more rides than any of us.


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