The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Finance and Accounting/ Contacts and Torts

I start taking classes on Tuesday night with Business Finance. Wednesday night is Financial Accounting Analysis. Of course these are core classes that everyone who gets an MBA must pass. Just like Contracts and Torts in law school.

Of course, between my first contracts class and torts class Nick was born. I don't expect any sort of life changing event this time around.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A happy drugged out painful day

Two very important things happened today. My appeals to T. Boone must have worked because I was accepted into the Professional MBA Program at Oklahoma State - Tulsa. They have approved me to start as early as Aug 18th. I'm thinking I'll take just a few classes this semester while I get Tulsa Winch to approve paying for the whole thing. They are already on the hook for $2,000 per calender year, so I'll start there.

And also today I had an oral surgeon rip out one of my back molars. The crown that was on it had cracked at eventually 70% of it was gone. So he gave me a choice: rip it out now or try to reattach the crown with a less than 50% chance that it will stick (necessitating yanking the whole thing out anyway). I decided to have them pull it out. So right now I'm flying on pain meds. What fun?

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Another good reason to drink good beer...

Cheap beer will get you stabbed. Click here for story.

Ok, so it's really a fight over money. But $10 would only get you a 6 pack of Grimbergen. And that's $10 well spent.