The Wizard of Speed and Time

Just a bunch of things I think are interesting or funny.

Monday, March 26, 2007

MLB makes a really stupid ruling.

For about twenty years Craig Biggio of the Astros has been involved with a non-profit group called the Sunshine Kids which helps cancer stricken youth. And as a way to show his support he has worn a pin in his cap during pregame warm ups and spring training games. But that was apparently a problem with MLB, which has declared that the pin must go. Click here for story.

Paul Lukas has it right when he writes "It takes a very special brand of chutzpah to tell a future Hall of Famer to stop supporting cancer patients. Forget about players on steroids -- the real problem, apparently, is kids on chemo. And that's just the beginning of MLB's cluelessness here. According to this account, "a league official, having watched the Astros-Devil Rays game on the local Houston Fox Southwest feed, sent word to Kissimmee that [Biggio] must remove [the pin]. A picture from that game was faxed to the Astros, who informed [Biggio] of the league's request." Whoa, TV and faxes -- they sure caught him red-handed! Apparently the miscreant who employed these high-tech investigative tools was unaware that Biggio had already been wearing the pin on his cap for nearly 20 years."


The exam is finished. I think it went pretty well only two things that I know are wrong. Hopefully I can get 70 points and get certified.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

No longer a single parent.

From Monday through Thursday, Sarah was down in Springfield getting some training for her new job. This left me home with the kids for the better part of four days. The good news is that everyone survived. No major disastrers befell us and we seemed to get through the week alright. But the kids were happy on Friday morning when, they woke up to find that momma was home.

And she even let me sleep in this morning. Yea!

DMC spells no victories for me.

I had hoped to do better at the Drunk Monk Challenge. But none of my beers placed. And for the third year in a row, I didn't win anything in the raffle either. So it was disappointing for me as a contestant.

But as a board member of the UKG and sponsorship coordinator ,the DMC went great. We had more entries this year than ever before. And despite the size of the show, it all went very smoothly. The raffle made over $1,100 and we had enough prizes to cover three pool tables with marvelous swag.

Even the beers I judged were well made this year. Some excellent brewers out there. I just hope all goes equally good for me when I take the BJCP exzm on March 25th.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Long time no post

Hey, I'm not dead. Just been really busy. The DMC is tomorrow and I've got a party tonight for out of town judges. I anticpate a great deal of drinking. Ta