Oh those wacky Scottish Scientists. They are currently developing an artificial nose to help them diagnose patients.
Click here for story. The theory is that the "Spectral Nose" will smell a patient's breath, and detect the odors associated with certain diseases.
At the end of the story it gives a listing of how certain diseases smell. They are:
Rotten apples, pear drops or acetone (used in varnish remover) - forms of diabetes.
Sweaty sheep - smallpox.
Plucked feathers - measles.
A butcher’s shop - yellow fever.
Fish - uremia, which stems from kidney failure and can cause coma.
Musty fish/raw liver - liver failure.
Foul smell - a lung abscess or intestinal obstruction.
Freshly baked brown bread - typhoid.
Stale beer - tuberculosis.
At first I wondered how the scientists would know what a sweaty sheep would smell like, then I remembered that they are Scottish.